Snow White and the Enormous Turnip

Snow White lives with the seven dwarves, safely in the wood. She likes to spend her time planting seeds and gardening. When a turnip sticks fast in the clay, she and the dwarves need more help to pull it out. So when a kind old lady offers Snow White a piece of tart to give her energy, she accepts. But is the kind old lady all she seems?

The idea behind the book

I only had a few weeks to write these books (the Fairytale Jumbles) ... so I wrote them in the rain in Devon, in the airport at Las Vegas, in my friend’s house in Albuquerque and in my bed at home. Then my publishers said “can you write another” (they didn’t want one of them) so I wrote it in the car park before my dancing lesson. Sometimes I have to write anywhere!

Book details

Written by Hilary Robinson

Illustrated by Simona Sanfilippo

Published by Wayland

Year published: 2008