News posts for 2018

Peace Lily is out now!

Peace Lily, the fourth and final book in the World War 1 series for children, honours the contribution and dedication of women to the war effort.  Written in rhyme and beautifully illustrated by Martin Impey it tells how, after a long and painful battle, peace is found not only within borders but in hearts too.

You can buy the book here.

Historical Association’s Young Quills

A Song For Will and The Lost Gardeners Of Heligan has been shortlisted for the Historical Association’s Young Quills Award 2018! You can find it in the 7-9 years olds section. And there are also some Young Quills reviews.

Spooky Fairy Tale Mix-ups

Spooky Fairy Tale Mix-ups is out today in paperback!  Thousands of spookylicious stories which find Ghostilocks and co running through slimy porridge and dancing with cats .. and more ...  making reading magical fun ...!

Published by Hodder Children’s Books.